
We'll make you aware of the policies you hold by sending a letter or email containing an overview of your policy. Should you have more than one policy with us, we’ll write to you separately about each one.

It’s important to check each policy from time to time to make sure it still meets your needs and provides the right level of cover. From 2022 we'll send your policy overview letter or email annually.

If your circumstances have changed: You may wish to review the cover you have.
For advice speak to your financial adviser.
If nothing has changed: There’s no need to take any action.

Want to change or update something?
If you've checked your policy and you want to change or update something, click the links below to complete common policy actions:

What is the Legal & General Privacy Policy? How do I make a claim?
How can I get advice? How do I change my personal details?
Register for My Account Can I make changes to my policy?
Can I have some help registering for My Account? Can I put a policy in trust?

Alternatively you can log into My Account, or complete the following by using the appropriate form below: